Monday, August 3, 2020

WWF In Your House: Triple Header (9/24/95)

    In Your House: Saginaw, Michigan is the host for the action tonight and there certainly will be a lot of it. The show kicks off with a very '90s like intro highlighting some of the action from the past two In Your House special events while a lady sings an In Your House song. Lawler, Vince, and Jim Ross are on commentary for tonight's show. Ross was back here after a short stint in Smoky Mountain after being fired for leaking information to journalists. We were still about a year and some change away from him becoming the voice of RAW. Vince has Lawler and Ross predict the main event, Lawler thinks Owen will beat Shawn to become the new IC Champion and Ross predicts Shawn will instead lose to Yokozuna. That segues into the opening match...

Savio Vega vs Waylon Mercy

    Savio makes his entrance down to the ring and he has his signature (I think, he did it during his entrance) thumb-pinky hand gesture shaved into his head. It is not a good look at all, I don't know who allowed him to do this but they should be fired. Dan Spivey aka Waylon Mercy is probably most fondly remembered for this gimmick at least amongst WWF/E fans. It was said to be the inspiration for Bray Wyatt and can even see a goofier version of it done a little later in the form of Festus. The match starts off with a shaking of the hands from both men, Savio turns his back and Waylon goes to attack but Savio was too quick and moves.
    Vega wails on Mercy with some punches before launching him into the opposite corner and repeating. Savio Vega whips Mercy off the ropes but holds onto his arm as Waylon falls to the floor, that's a dislocated shoulder waiting to happen. Mercy finally gets some offense in with a knee to the chest of Savio followed up by a clothesline. A couple of chops onto Savio, help Mercy land a bodyslam onto Vega on the floor. Dok Hendrix (AKA Michael "P.S" Hayes) has some breaking news, Owen Hart is not here. This has serious implications for the main event.
    Back to the match as Waylon Mercy slams down Savio Vega with a sidewalk slam and a near fall. Mercy locks in his sleeper hold that he has used to finish off opponents. Just when it was looking like Savio Vega was going to be his next victim, he sends Mercy crashing headfirst into the turnbuckle and escapes. Waylon tries to lock the sleeper in again but Vega reverses it with a back suplex. Mercy and Vega share a couple punches before Savio gets the upper hand with a headbutt and a very high big boot to Mercy.
    Savio with some sort of weird crumpling pin, I'm not exactly sure how to describe it but it got a near fall. Waylon Mercy hits an absolutely disgusting brainbuster on Savio Vega but that wasn't enough. Snap German suplex by Savio Vega for another near fall. Savio in a last-ditch effort hits a spinning heel kick off the ropes and gets the victory. The front row that the camera could see was not very happy with this. 

Match Rating: 3/10

    A little segment backstage with Cornette and Gorilla Monsoon, Cornette says that Owen will be here and that he will be in the match. Monsoon is asked by Hendrix if the Triple Header main event is in trouble and he says that it is not. So, no matter what happens the match will go on.

Psycho Sid vs Henry O. Godwinn

    This match is the product of Psycho Sid being slopped by Godwinn on Superstars and going on a rampage backstage. Sid tries to work over Godwinn in the corner but Henry ducks and lays some punches in. A clothesline from Godwinn drops Sid to the outside as he has control early. The strength of Godwinn on display as he lifts Sid up off the apron and brings him into the ring with a suplex. He lands on his back though, which is still hurting from the powerbomb Sid gave him on Superstars.       Godwinn is a bit slowed after that but gets to his feet and goes for a bodyslam, his back continues to give him troubles as Sid fights out and drives Godwinn outside with a knee to the back. Sid continues to rain down on the back of Henry with ax handles off the apron. 
    A trio of body shots by Sid helps him Irish whip Godwinn hard into the corner, causing further damage to that back. Sid comes down with a camel clutch on Godwinn. After some time in the hold, Godwinn finally escapes only for Sid to come down with his full weight on the back of Godwinn. Sid once again locks in the clutch but Godwinn is defiant, again escaping, this time with elbows to the gut of Sid. Psycho Sid begins full steam into the corner for a boot but gets caught up after Godwinn slips away.
    Firing away with a few right hands, Godwinn gets the advantage once more with a shoulder tackle. He drops Sid with the Slop Drop (inverted DDT) but only gets a two before DiBiase pulls Henry's leg thus breaking up the pin. Henry Godwinn decides to have some words with DiBiase. After he chases him around the ring for a little bit he heads back to the ring where Sid is there to meet him with clubbing blows. DiBiase gets involved once more, pulling the leg of Godwinn as he runs the ropes which allows Sid to hit a big legdrop.
    Sid gets Godwinn hooked for the powerbomb and the win. DiBiase grabs the bucket and looks to slop Godwinn but Sid argues he should do it, they go back and forth for a minute before Bam Bam Bigelow comes down to attack Sid. In defense of Sid, Kama comes down and starts to beat up Bigelow. While all this happening, Godwinn gets back to his feet and creeps up behind DiBiase and grabs the bucket to slop him.

Match Rating: 4/10

    We cut back to backstage with Hendrix, Cornette, and Monsoon. Monsoon reiterates that the triple-header match will go on as planned. Either Yokozuna defends the belts 2 on 1 or Cornette finds a partner for Yokozuna and he will be a one night only co-holder of the WWF Tag Team Titles.

British Bulldog vs Bam Bam Bigelow

    Bam Bam does a cartwheel and gets some fire pyro for his entrance, pretty dope look. Davey Boy tries a couple times to get some momentum off the ropes but each time he is met with Bigelow driving his down to the mat. The camera's cut to Cornette trying to convince Psycho Sid to join Yokozuna in the main event. An Irish whip into the corner followed up by a shoulder tackle and bodyslam from Bigelow. He tries to keep the momentum going but misses with his running elbow drop.
    Bulldog locks in a headlock and weakens down Bigelow, not enough though as Bigelow fights out of it and looks for a falling headbutt and again Davey Boy gets out of the way. A couple strikes allow for Bulldog to lift Bigelow up for a suplex, Bam Bam was right back on his feet though. Two clotheslines from Bigelow have Bulldog reeling but when Bam Bam goes for a third he ducks and sends Bigelow to the outside. Davey Boy tries to suplex Bam Bam from the apron and into the ring but Bam Bam stops him and lifts him up and drops him down on the top rope, crotching him. Bam Bam climbs to the top rope and is looking for a big move, Davey Boy rolls further away but that doesn't stop Bigelow who lands a flying headbutt from up top.
    As Bigelow argues with the ref, Davey Boy cuts his leg out from under him with a chop block. Bulldog goes after the leg relentlessly, driving his knees into the leg along with leg drops have Bigelow writhing in pain. Bam Bam tries to fight Davey Boy off with an enzuigiri that Bulldog sells the hell out of, it doesn't last long though as Bulldog is right back on the attack. Davey Boy locks in a single leg crab and Bigelow looks to be close to tapping. Bigelow gets out of and duffs Bulldog with a punch that allows him some time to recuperate.
    Bam Bam looks for a move off the ropes but Davey Boy counters with a kitchen sink and a near fall. Bulldog lifts Bigelow up for a move but Bam Bam falls on top of him for a two count. Bulldog goes for a sunset flip on Bigelow but can't get the big man over, Bigelow falls down on top of Davey Boy suddenly. He doesn't go for the cover though, hitting a headbutt off the ropes and signaling for the top rope. He goes for the Bam Bam Sault but Davey Boy rolls out of harm's way. Bulldog to the top now, he comes off with a very odd-looking headbutt to the midsection for a two count. Bigelow goes for an Irish whip on Davey Boy but it's reversed, sending Bigelow into the turnbuckle hard. Turning back, Bulldog catches Biglow for the powerslam and the win. 

Match Rating: 5/10

Dean Douglas vs Razor Ramon

    Bob Backlund comes out here, I guess he's running for president? I don't know if that's shoot or not and I frankly don't care enough to look. Anyways, he comes out and just says big words that have no correlation to what he's saying, good to see he's taking the Donald Trump approach. After some more blabbering, he begins to introduce Dean Douglas. Douglas precedes to introduce Razor now, he calls him his opponent and loser so he gets his heat. Ramon comes running to the ring after getting his chain off and ducks Douglas' attack and drops him with a trio of punches, finally finishing it off with a nice clothesline over the ropes.
    Both men exchange headscissors' back and forth for a little bit before Ramon stops the pattern with a punch to the face and a pin for the two. Trying for a hip toss, Douglas gets hit with a dose of his own medicine as Ramon dumps him to the outside with a hip toss. We get another camera cut to backstage where Cornette is trying to get Mabel and Yokozuna to put their differences aside to team up in the main event. Douglas does this lucha-like reversal out of an arm lock that I don't know the name of, sorry I suck at this thing. Anyways it looked dope, that doesn't last long though as he runs off the ropes and tries for a crossbody seemingly but Razor catches him.
    Dropping Douglas down with a fallaway slam and the pin for a two count. Razor continues to work on the arm of Dean Douglas, why? I don't know but I'll trust him. Dean Douglas fakes out Razor on the middle rope and goes for a sunset flip powerbomb, oh Dean you know those never work. Razor doesn't go over and punches Dean as he sits down for the pin, Douglas reverses it into a pin of his own for a two count. Shoulder tackle by Razor and goes for another but Douglas drops him outside. Coming over the top rope with an ax handle, Douglas then slams Razor into the apron.
    Big bodyslam from Douglas gets the count up to 8 before he breaks it and gets back on the offensive with a big running knee to the back that sends Razor careening into the steel steps. Double ax handle from the top rope by Douglas and a two count. Douglas works over the back of Ramon but Ramon fights back with a punch to the face. It doesn't last long though as Douglas begins to work the back over again, every time Razor gets any momentum Douglas is right there to shut it down. Middle rope splash to the back of Ramon by Douglas but doesn't put him away.
    Douglas works a camel clutch, Razor lays in it for a few minutes before fighting his way out and getting Douglas on his shoulders. Falling back with Douglas but the damage might have been even greater on Razor Ramon. The ref begins the count to 10 as both men are down, getting to 9 before Douglas crawls to the pin on Ramon but Razor is barely able to get his shoulder up at 2. Razor puts Douglas on the top rope but Dean reverses it and goes for a twisting body splash but Razor follows through with it into a pin for a near fall.
    Douglas sends Razor headfirst into the referee, Douglas goes for his body splash but Razor ducks. While this is happening Backlund is trying to revive the ref but he changes his tone once Razor hits the Razor's Edge. 1-2-3 Kid comes running down to the ring and counts the pin, Razor thinks he won but turns around to see Kid there. There is pushing and shoving that allows Douglas to get a roll-up and the victory. Razor and 1-2-3 Kid get into an altercation after the match as their relationship appears to be officially severed.

Match Rating: 5/10

Jean-Pierre Lafitte vs Bret "The Hitman" Hart

    Bret cuts a promo before the match and says some corny ass Bret Hart things so you know he's gonna win. As Bret is making his entrance, he runs off the ropes with a tope that goes awry as Lafitte doesn't catch him and he almost lands on his head. The bell rings and this match is underway as Bret fires away with some punches on the outside. Lafitte tries to slam Hart's head into the turnbuckle but Bret reverses and does it to him instead. Jean-Pierre hammers away with fists in the corner on Bret, dropping him to his knees.
    Whipping Bret into the opposite corner, Lafitte goes for a lariat but Bret sidesteps. Arm drag takedown by the Hitman as he goes to work on the arm of Lafitte. Sending Bret off the ropes for a lariat does Lafitte, again it doesn't work as Bret gets him into a crucifix cover and a two. Bret tries to get Lafitte with a hip toss but Jean-Pierre crushes him with a lariat. Staying on the offensive, Lafitte stomps the gut of Hart a few times for good measure.
    Bret with a jackknife cover but only a two. Hart looks for a head butt in the corner but Lafitte sidesteps and sends Bret crashing hard, shoulder first into the post. Huge Irish whip by Lafitte sends Hitman crashing into the corner chest first, making a loud thud. Hitman dumps Lafitte to the outside and thinks he has him down for but Jean-Pierre lands on his feet. He drags Hart by his feet and to the outside to join him before whipping Hart into the steel steps.
    Lafitte hits a very high angled spinebuster after enduring some strikes from Hart. Oh shit, an actual successful sunset flip by Bret Hart here for a two count. Lafitte quickly out of it before snapping back with a lariat. I love this part, the commentators are hyping up Lafitte doing The Cannonball (his Swanton) but he does a Leg Drop instead. Back to the top rope by Lafitte and this time he goes for The Cannonball but Bret rolls out of the way.
    Atomic drop into a clothesline off the ropes sets Bret up for Sharpshooter. He tries to get it locked in but Lafitte kicks him off and sends him through the middle rope and to the outside. Lafitte goes off the ropes and to the outside as he looks for an outside Cannonball but misses and hits hard on the outside padding that didn't seem to soften the blow too much. Bret sends him careening into the steps shoulder-first as a measure of revenge from earlier on. Russian leg sweep by Hart and into the pin, only Bret Hart I tell ya.
    A Small package now and again only a two count for Hart. Bret's looking for his patented knee drop thing but Lafitte sticks a boot up and catches him in the face. Bret looks for another crucifix pin but Lafitte gets him on his shoulders and rolls through, landing his head into Bret's gut and going for the pin only for a two count. Lafitte whips Bret into the corner but Hart goes for the up and over reversal but Lafitte catches him. Bret struggles, holding onto the top rope with all his might but Lafitte pulls him away, in the process Bret falls on top of Lafitte into a pin. Only a two count for Bret though.
    Jean-Pierre goes for a pin on Bret after a knee to the gut of a rushing Bret, he puts his feet on the rope but still only a two. Running out of the corner with a grasp of Lafitte, Bret Hart is looking for a bulldog but Lafitte has other plans. He pushes off and sends Hart slamming hard into the corner, chest first. This prompts a pin from Lafitte but Bret gets his foot on the bottom rope to stop the count. Bret sends Lafitte into the ropes with a forearm as he gets a little tangled up for a minute. He escapes in time to miss a flying Hart and lets him collide with the ropes. Back to the top rope for Lafitte as he looks for a simple splash but Hart doesn't allow it, rolling away once again. Bret starts fighting to get Lafitte in the Sharpshooter from the grounded position and finally gets it, Lafitte can't take it and says I quit.

Match Rating: 7/10

    Cornette, Monsoon, and Hendrix are backstage again this time with Yokozuna's new tag partner, The British Bulldog. So for one night, Bulldog is one-half of the tag team champions and if is to pin either Shawn or Diesel he will win their respectful championship. He can also lose the tag titles for Owen and Yokozuna. We cut back to the ring where Alundra Blayze is modeling an In Your House shirt that advertises the now changed main event, who wouldn't want to buy that right?

British Bulldog & Yokozuna (c) vs Shawn Michaels & Diesel (c) Triple Header Title Match

    It's very obvious by the reactions of the crowd here that they are ALL for Michaels and Diesel but mostly Michaels. Bulldog and Shawn start the match off with an exchange of headlocks and holds before Shawn is able to float over. He pushes Bulldog into the ropes but Davey Boy holds on and shrugs off HBK. Shawn rushes towards Bulldog but slips under his legs, Bulldog grabs his legs but Michaels is too strong and flips him off, Bulldog shoots off the ropes but Shawn gets him over with a back body drop. Big clothesline sends both men over the rope but Shawn holds on and is able to lift himself back up and into the ring.
    Yokozuna comes into the ring as Shawn throws some shots at him before Diesel comes in with a right hand, dropping Yoko to the outside. Yokozuna and Davey Boy take some time to regroup on the outside before getting back in the ring. Davey Boy tags out to Yoko as he squares off with Shawn Michaels. Shawn coerces Yokozuna to charge him as they both do sumo poses, it was all mind games in the end though as Shawn slips under the massive frame of Yokozuna to gain an advantage. Lighting Yoko up with a few punches but it all goes wrong when Shawn tries to bounce off the ropes and use his speed as Yoko halts his progress with a back elbow.
    Yokozuna goes for a big elbow drop on Shawn but he rolls out of the way to tag in Diesel. He fires off a few shots on Yokozuna but gets dropped with a clothesline rather quickly. Not to be outdone though, Diesel with a clothesline followed by a big boot that sends Yoko to the outside. Bulldog comes in and starts to beat up on Diesel but I didn't see a tag and neither did commentary. I guess he's the legal man now as he lifts up Diesel, struggling at first but finally getting him up for the delayed suplex.             Diesel whips Bulldog in the corner a few times following that up with lariats in the corner. Shawn gets tagged back in as he climbs to the top rope, climbing atop the shoulders of Diesel to deliver a huge splash to Davey Boy. Only a two count as Bulldog is right back on the offensive, pressing Shawn up high before dropping him down on the top rope and tagging Yoko. Yokozuna drops him to the outside with a shot to the back, Davey takes advantage and slams Shawn into the steps before sliding him back inside. Yokozuna launches Shawn into the ropes HARD. No wonder his back was fucked all those years later.
    Bulldog gets tagged in and begins to key in on the back of Michaels, launching him over his head with a huge back body drop. The ever rare successful sunset flip executed here by HBK for a two. Off the ropes with a crossbody pin but again a two for Michaels. There was no tag between Yoko and Davey Boy but the ref's back was turned so Yoko is deemed legal. Yokozuna looks for the Bonzai Drop but Shawn slides away just in time.
    Diesel and Bulldog both get tagged in, Diesel like a house of fire as he is hitting on all cylinders with his offense right now. Yokozuna gets in the ring as does Shawn as all four men are in the ring at the same time, Shawn and Diesel whip Davey Boy and Yokozuna into each other. Yokozuna stays on his feet as Davey Boy is whipped into the corner and into Yoko again causing Yokozuna to topple onto Bulldog. Diesel is looking for the Jackknife but Cornette gets on the apron but quickly shoved off by Michaels. This causes the ref to be distracted as Yokozuna hits Diesel with a Samoan Drop. Sweet Chin Music by Shawn onto Yoko, sending him outside. Powerslam by Davey Boy and goes for the pin but Shawn breaks it up with a top rope elbow drop.
    Owen Hart comes running down to the ring as he tries to get involved, coming off the top rope only for Diesel to punch him in the gut. Hitting Owen with a Jackknife Powerbomb and pinning Owen. I guess that counted? I have no fucking idea why when you had this whole angle to make Davey interim tag champ just for that to happen. 

Match Rating: 5/10

Overall Rating: 4.8/10

    I think this match had its high highs and low lows. It wasn't awful, some weird booking decisions but other than that I didn't have a problem with it too much. The main event irked me a lot in the booking department though. How do you spend the whole show building a story just for it to be thrown under the bus in the final minutes of the match? Knocked down the overall rating for that match down a little as I just can't justify that finish. What did you think? Am I overreacting? Let me know 



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